Business processing has evolved from being
- Done by humans, to
- Hardware, to
- Machine code, to
- Compiled, to
- Intermediately compiled, to
- Scripted
At each step of evolution these systems becomes more and more
interconnected. Isolated mainframes
evolve into micro-services that run on mobiles and the cloud.
As the cost of implementing each component falls so does the
need to invest in their planning and design, until you almost do not want to do
any at all. This ‘suck it and see’
approach, where the implementation is the prototype, and is eventually the
published design, often gives the best results as experience is a valuable form
of design feedback. This reductive agile
process is like chipping away at a piece of marble in comparison to an additive
one when working with clay.
This approach interestingly was done with great success by Russian
rocket scientists with a fraction of the budget of the Americans. E.g. plans for an efficient N1
rocket motor from the design bureau, only worked when the build engineers
played with the designs, once perfected the design was sent back to the design bureau. Although the rocket never went to the moon,
the motors were successfully used decades later by the Americans.
This counter-informative way of doing things motivates
developers as they can just get on with doing what they love: turning
requirements into living code. It results
in smaller teams and depends less on software architects and project managers,
in exchange for a more direct dialogue with the owner themselves.
Having said that if anything went then there would be
anarchy, so some simple standards are required. Code quality, agreed methods/interfaces for
communicating between components, code reuse of standard sub components e.g.
logging, database connectivity, email etc.
The number of rules need to be simple, clear and wherever possible
automatically checked. Scientist have found out that fish follow very
simple rules to work effectively in a shoal, the same goes for micro-services.
The language that best suits this is JavaScript/Node, it is
portable, lightweight and extensively supported. However it being a bit of a rush job when
first implemented, it misses many features that are considered best practice
such as type safety. Also as it is such
a dynamic language key components can morph unexpectedly to express different
behaviour when a new dependency is injected into an application. However these issues are not insurmountable
and the benefits easily outweigh them.
Also some of the weaknesses have changed the behaviour of developers
considerably by actively encouraging them to use BDD/TDD unit testing at a much
earlier stage in development that is usual in other languages, which helps in
developing a higher quality product in the end.
The best thing of all is that it is not owned by any big
corporation, which is allowing a very healthy ecosystem. They have not come in and injected enterprise
components that rot the heart of the language in the way that has happened to Java. There are signs of a fight for the hearts and
minds between mainly Microsoft and Google over type safe implementations of
JavaScript, which will result in fragmentation for a while, however, in the
long term will benefit all concerned.
Where does it leave legacy languages such as C++, Java and C#?
They will never go away, but will retreat into their particular
niches. In CloudMargin we use C++ for a
database abstraction/caching/security/event service layer, due to its nature it
needs to be multithreaded and is treated and developed more as a system
component. C# come as output from MapForce
for doing data mappings from and to our client file formats. Both the C++ and C# components have no
business level functionality such as the JavaScript micro-services do, and do
not take part in the same development lifecycles, they are valuable components,
but do not take part in normal day to day business enhancements.
development undergoes waves of what is fashionable and certainly what is coming
out now is a breath of fresh air.
However what is popular now will be as trendy as my father’s flares in a
few years’ time. Or come full circle…
perhaps I should be thinking of investing in some bell bottoms!
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